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The Student News Site of Warren Hills Regional High School

The Streak

The Student News Site of Warren Hills Regional High School

The Streak

The Student News Site of Warren Hills Regional High School

The Streak

Samantha Lewis

Samantha Lewis, Staff Reporter

Samantha Lewis, a junior, is a first year Journalism student. She is also an executive of Warren Hills’ Drama Club and is the Head of Costumes. She also is a member of the Debate Club and has won awards such as Honorable Mention at the trips to Harvard Model Congress. Samantha devotes a lot of time to her extracurricular activities and school. She also has been involved with various protests and political campaigns. Samantha has once helped to organized a protest and has volunteered for both federal and state level campaigns. Besides her school and volunteer work, Samantha loves fashion. She is a self-described thriftaholic, meaning she is thrift shopping almost every week. Since fifth grade Samantha has always explored fashion and has gone through almost every phase imaginable. After high school, Samantha hopes to major in Political Science and a minor in Journalism or Anthropology. She then hopes to continue on to law school. Her dream job is a Civil Rights Attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, focusing on freedom of speech. However, her long term goal is to go into politics and eventually become the second or third female President. The most important thing for Samantha is helping make a change in this world. 

All content by Samantha Lewis