SAGA Kicks Off Year by Learning Legal Protections

At their second meeting on Sept. 20, the Warren Hills Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) learns about their legal rights as LGBTQIA+ students in New Jersey from Kevin Horn, SAGA co-advisor with Margaret Devine. “LGBTQ+ Legal Update,” a legal presentation provided to Warren Hills Regional School District by law firm Schenck, Price, Smith & King LLP, was displayed to educators in 2021 to ensure proper conduct and respectful behavior under New Jersey law. Meeting regularly every Tuesday at 2:45 p.m. in Room 115 and led by second-term President Bailey E. Asbury, this was just the first step on the list of SAGA’s goals for this year as they welcome new members alongside returning students. SAGA collectively hopes to boost visibility and education of the LGBTQIA+ community. The sensitivity of the subject has prompted the club to refer to students solely by their first names for reasons of confidentiality. Sophomore Koi, a returning club member, said, “I would really like to see more people getting along with each other. I think it would be really beneficial.” This is exactly what SAGA plans to do: create a comfortable, supportive environment for all students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity, while also acknowledging the specific resources LGBTQIA+ children and teenagers need to thrive. Similarly, junior Emily expects “to learn more about the LGBTQ community,” signaling the hope of clarity among the student body surrounding queer subjects. Fulfilling these requests, SAGA is presenting Asbury’s Girl Scout Gold Award (in association with SAGA) to the freshman class Oct. 18, following an original June 2022 showcase. SAGA has planned an abundance of exciting, inclusive events and activities for the 2022-2023 school year, Asbury said, but reviewing legal protections was the best way to start the year to ensure students are informed about their rights to equality.