Faculty, Staff Work With FFA on Floral Arrangements

High school teachers Sandra Young (middle) and Patrick Kablis (right) work together on floral design April 1 in Room 327 as part of a professional development day for staff members. Students were dismissed early and staff attended three different sessions designed to promote mental health.One session that staff had the option to sign up for was floral design. This session was led by four members of the Warren HIlls FFA, who on April 7 competed in a floriculture career development event at Rutgers University. Tulips, Daffodils, Peruvian Lilies, Chrysanthemums and Tiki Fern were used to create arrangements during the professional development day. The arrangements were contained in a mason jar. “It was awesome for students to teach us,” said English Teacher Courtney Flowers. “Kudos to the FFA floriculture team – Ryleigh Reagan, Kristina Los Chovanec, Sarah Schlaffer and Cameron Dunn. What a great idea, and I hope we can do it again.”