‘Gnome Balloon’ Hovers Near School


A long, cylindrical, black balloon floats over the school’s front lawn during a Physics class experiment in October. Students along the 100 wing of the high school were able to see the peculiar sight when they looked out of their classroom windows. Rising up to 50 feet into the air, the balloon was a demonstration of buoyant forces at work, according to Physics Teacher Ari Eisner. Students of Eisner’s class joked that the balloon was the work of magical gnomes. “Looking at it, you could say that the gnomes on top of the balloon are pushing less hard than the gnomes on the bottom, so the balloon goes up,” said Eisner in response to the joke. The balloon was maneuvered and controlled by seniors Thomas Finnegan, Jonathan Knittel, and Katherine Stabile. The balloon is colored black so that it may absorb more light, and therefore heat, from the sun, and its long stature exposes a larger surface area to do so. Eisner said that he may re-conduct the experiment sometime in the spring, so for any curious individuals who want to see Physics in action, make sure to be attentive during that time. (Photo by Bailey Van Orman)