Community Day Comes to Life
The comfortable late summer day helped provide an amazing Community Day experience for everyone to enjoy the different activities.
Multiple clubs and students took part in Community Day near the stadium. The clubs who attended made an impact on the community.
Peer Leadership arranged a face painting station that had multiple requests throughout the day.
When asked about what their most popular requests were, senior Laura Grobholz said, “Butterfly and the Streaks logo. It really shows school pride.”
Meanwhile, Warren Hills Middle School Peer Leadership was also in attendance handing out popcorn to the hungry visitors.
Girls Coding With Girls and CS@WH set up multiple fun, entertaining games for everyone to enjoy, such as a giant Jenga, chess boards, and both small and giant scale Connect 4 games. In attendance was senior Yuliana Pergentes, who had defeated every one of her opponents, said, “Beating four year-olds is so much fun!”
The dunk tank was one of the many displays run by the Senior Class of 2022. The senior volunteers inside the dunk tank were constantly changing throughout the day, displaying a new target for participants to strike down. Despite how easy the game may seem, it took a large effort from both children and adults, but few were able to dunk a senior.
The bounce house was the second activity the Senior Class ran. With its cartoonish look, it was appealing to both young children and teenagers. Many of them could be seen jumping around on the inside.
Elizabeth Nyamweya, a senior running the bounce house, said, “My favorite part of Community Day is the dunk tank and watching people fall in and everyone laughing, having fun.”
DECA had a Blue Streak pride-themed photo booth that attracted many. The booth had props that could liven up visitors’ photos.
DECA member Unique Portugal, said, “I love being a part of the community and try to be as involved as much as possible.”
The soccer teams gave out soccer ball fidget spinners while also promoting the teams, as they’re always open for new players.
Choir had a musical trivia game and temporary tattoos set up for everyone to enjoy. The Drama students were dressed up as various characters, while also showing off what the club can do.
Streak Nation gave out free t-shirts to Community Day volunteers and sold a variety of school apparel, such as crewneck sweaters, long sleeve t-shirts, and sweatpants, with the most popular item being a beanie, all giving school pride.
The late summer day showed more promise with the availability of free snow cones, courtesy of Kona Ice. for everyone to enjoy.
When asked what their favorite part of Community Day was, responses were short and sweet.
“My favorite part is the snow cones,” senior Eammon Hammond said.
Junior Samantha Smith said, “My favorite part was the temporary tattoos.”
Senior Ryan Carey summed up his Community Day experience in two words.
“It’s lit,” he said.