Ms. Wight: All About Blue Streak Pride

Photo courtesy of Heather Wight

Regarding the challenges of teaching during COVID-19, Wight said, “I had to cut out content from my units and re-create my lessons to adhere to the new schedule. That has been a challenge, but it has NOT affected my BLUE STREAK PRIDE.”

English Teacher Extraordinaire and Senior Advisor, Heather Wight can and has done it all in the past 19 years of her career at Warren Hills.

Wight teaches twelfth grade English and Intro to Mythology and has taught at Warren Hills since 2002. 

Wight graduated from Keystone Junior College in 1995 with an associates degree in Media Communications. She then continued her education at East Stroudsburg University (ESU) to get her bachelor’s degree in Communications and Secondary Education/English. Wight continued at ESU and graduated with her master’s degree in Instructional Technology.

Wight said that communication has changed a lot since her own years in high school in the early nineties. “Communication skills were a lot better when I went to high school. If you needed something, you went to the teacher to get help. We did not have email,”  she said.  “We have technology and social media outlets today that we did not have ‘back in the day’ and it is definitely a challenge to keep my students on point, but it is also easier for me to get my content and messages out there.”

As senior class advisor, Wight said she loves to be involved with as much as she can within the school community. 

“I feel that this is a great way to get to know more people and really be a part of what the school has to offer,” she said.

Wight said that due to the restrictions of COVID-19, she has been especially trying to make this year as fun as possible for the seniors. 

“We had to have the Halloween Party outside and that affected the attendance. We are waiting to see if we can have a PowderPuff game. [There have been] lots of changes!” she said. “I like to make sure the seniors are happy and I want to make sure they are not missing out on their senior rites.” 

After teaching for nearly two decades, Wight said her favorite thing about teaching is still her students. 

“Hands down — the students —they are what keep me going!” she said. “As a teacher, you are here for your students and I am very fortunate to work in a district with such GREAT kids!”

Wight said she cannot wait for the day when all of her students are allowed back in her classroom.

“Honestly, I miss seeing all of my students in one classroom. I want my classroom to be full of energy and this year, I feel as if that energy is missing,” she said. “I am counting down the days until we gain some type of normalcy and students are flowing in and out of Room 304.” 

For anyone who wants to pursue a career in education, Wight had some advice.

“I would say that students who want to pursue a career in education need to stay on top of technological changes. Education has changed immensely since I started teaching  in 2001-2002,” she said. “You have to LOVE what you do in order to truly be happy. This career is very challenging, but you can’t beat the rewards. There is no other career that can compare.”