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The Student News Site of Warren Hills Regional High School

The Streak

The Student News Site of Warren Hills Regional High School

The Streak

The Student News Site of Warren Hills Regional High School

The Streak

Giovanni C. Bucca

Giovanni C. Bucca, Staff Reporter

Giovanni C. Bucca is a junior at Warren Hills Regional High School. He considers himself a “sporty nerd” who enjoys card games and music. He is someone who is always up for a challenge and is hyper-competitive. He is a history buff who holds a fascination with Italian and Russian history. He intends on becoming a History teacher. He plays basketball and used to play soccer, and he is willing to talk about and play both whenever possible. He says he is “always ready to argue” about whatever subject comes up in a conversation, whether that argument is a winning one or a losing one. His interest in cards is more than playing cards, it’s also in trading cards. He also enjoys writing about history and nonfiction topics. He is a part of a large family that includes his parents, two brothers and a sister in his house. He enjoys playing sports with his brothers and dad. He also sings in the school Choir as a bass. Bucca is an avid fan of tabletop games. He considers himself someone who will talk either until he gets told not to anymore or until someone walks away. He is never afraid to ask more questions or find out someone’s opinions. From there he will ask more questions and get more answers. He is Giovanni Bucca.

All content by Giovanni C. Bucca