What makes a standout streak? Some say respect, others say charisma. But here at Warren Hills, we say Erin Boykin. A senior who has proven time and time again that she is what Warren Hills represents, not only as a school, but as a community.
Boykin is a varsity athlete for Cheerleading and Softball. She says her best moment was, “winning states for cheer”.
Not only that, but she is very active in school by continuing to emphasize the “student” in “student – athlete”.
Boykin says, “I plan to go to college, majoring in biology and one school I really want to go to is Temple. I am really excited to further my education because of the new opportunities it will bring me and the new people I will meet. And I also plan to continue my athletic career in cheerleading when I get there.” Her favorite memory with her team is, “Traveling with my team to the games and cheer comps and making great memories on the bus.”
Not only that, but she makes school a very high priority by maintaining honor roll. She does this by, “Taking advantage of study halls, any down time I have I try to get my school work done before I relax.” A quote she likes to remind herself is, “Discipline is going to take you where motivation can’t.”
Boykin’s teammates also recognize how good of a teammate she is and how valuable she is to the team. Cheerleader sophomore Paige Laznovsky says, “My favorite thing about being on a team with Erin is how she is always hard working no matter what is going on and she carries that to the rest of the team.”
Laznovsky also added, “ I am going to miss her presence on the mat for sure. The program on the mat for sure. The program will definitely be different without her and I am going to miss how much she looked out for her teammate.” This definitely helps show how she treats her team and what a great asset she is to the team.
But not only is she a great asset to her team, but she is also a great asset to the community with how much she is involved in the Warren Hills Key Club, National Honor Society, and involved in many AP Classes.
Boykin also recognizes how important self care is. She says her favorite form of self care is, “Watching my favorite tv show because it is a way for me to decompress after a long day.” No matter how hard she works she also knows the importance of rest and how it improves productivity.
And so can having fun. Going out with her friends and relaxing at home is another step she takes to appreciate herself and all the hard work she does.
Lastly, when asked, “In your own opinion, what makes you a standout streak?”
Boykin replied, “Working hard everyday, being a great influence to others.”
Which just proves all along that Erin Boykin is The Standout Streak.
Boykin Bleeds Blue
Shelia R. Bazelais, Layout & Op/Ed Editor
March 5, 2025