Horseplay during How-To Speeches
For English Teacher Emily Kablis’ public speaking class this year, students were assigned to write and present a How-To Speech. For Sarah Chaplain, this meant bringing in her life-size horse statue to show her classmates how to tack up Western style. Chaplain and her father built the lifelike model along with three others, all of which are built to size. Each of her horses was designed with a certain magical creature in mind. The one she brought to class was a Threstral, but back at home, she also has a unicorn, Pegasus and water kelpie. Chaplain has been riding for practically her entire life, and she has her own, living horse, as well. Her father, an elevator mechanic, added features such as glowing eyes, moving heads, and flapping wings. It’s no wonder that Chaplain got an A on her speech. (Photo by Sarah Hale)