Community Day Goes Co-Curricular

Pumpkins displayed beanies for sale. (Photo by Emily Deming and Hannah DeVoe)

The annual Community Day was redubbed Co-Curricular Day this year as a two-hour event in late September. Various clubs were represented in front of the football field where members displayed their missions and recruited new members.

Culinary Club was there selling apple and pumpkin pies, either whole or by the slice.

Sophomore Julia Teets, a second-year member, said that proceeds from the pie sales would go to culinary supplies and, later, to charity.

“I hope to sell [a lot] of pies because the money will go to Culinary Club activities,” she said.  “[At the end of the year] the extra money goes to charity.”

Culinary Club President Stephanie Lane, who was cutting a slice of pie, offered some advice for pie cutting: “Never use a serrated knife to cut pie,” the senior said.

Warren Hills FFA members were also there with apple cider donuts, pumpkins and live animals.

First-year member Emily Leidner, a sophomore, gave some feedback on the club and why she was there. 

“I’m in Animal Science and FFA, so I am here to help. We have ducks, chickens, guinea pig, and a bunny,” she said. “Also, pumpkins, apple cider doughnuts, apple cider, and mums for sale. I am here to support FFA and play with the animals.”

SAVE (Students Against Vandalizing the Earth) was also there to spread the word about the environment.

Senior SAVE member Jaysin Fernandes had maps of Warren County to explain the local trails SAVE Club regularly maintains.

“We have photos of trails that we work on and easy ways to help the environment,” he said. “We are here to spread more knowledge about the club.”

Marching Band used a unique technique to recruit potential members, as described by second-year member Ava Johnston, a sophomore.

“We had people come and throw a plume into a hat and  throw a beret on a mannequin and they got candy if they got it in,”  she said.

“There were members there,  too, to educate everyone about the school’s band.”

Robotics Club was there to show off their robot, whose official code name is Mollusk, but is also referred to as “The Crab.”

“It drives around, picks up a box and then shoots it,” Robotics senior Logan Lalite said.

Robotics Club member Aiden Aschoff, a senior, added, “[We’re here to] get people interested, [it’s] free advertising.”

Girl Up Club, whose members advocate for girls around the world, had a display table.

“We wanted to present our club to the community and tell them what we are all about. We have a folding board highlighting the main issues we focus on,” said Girl Up junior Anna Izeppi, “to bring awareness and advocate for girls’ rights in developing countries.”

Other clubs, such as Peer Leadership, Glamour Gals, Human Rights, and others were also in attendance, making the first-ever Co-Curricular Day a diverse community event.