Twisted Tales Entertains Again


Playing upcoming street rapper Lil’ Bill, Iyan Kariuki, raps in front of Twisted Tales audience informing them, ”It’s the Rise of Little Bill and the fall of Bill Cosby.” (Photo by Kassidy Vargas)

Advanced Theatre Art students held their Annual Twisted Tales Showcase for the 15th year, presenting the audience with renditions of different fantasy characters from books, television shows, and movies.

Opening the showcase, senior Savannah Reidinger became Bella Swan of the Twilight saga. Reidinger re-routed the typical love story of an outsider and vampire to an outspoken girl and her pale stalker.

“He has this weird obsession with saving my life. This other time at school I was almost hit by this car and like a freak he came out of nowhere and pushed the van away,” Reidinger said. “But did I ask to be saved? No. maybe I wanted to be hit by that car.”

Other characters included James Hinkelstein Bond, Nancy Drew the con-artist, yearning Princess Peach, and the kidnapper Ms. Frizzle.

Junior Kallie Levitt impersonated Magic School Bus owner Ms. Frizzle. This teacher has the obsession of taking children from different schools so that they can live with her.

“I take the kids as my own, but who cares they want to be with me, they love me! I kept taking them left and right after trips,” she said. “I take all these kids on these trips. They’re like the cat to my old lady! This is probably why I’m a Ms. Frizzle.”

Carly Moyer, sophomore, gave the sweet polka-dot loving Minnie Mouse a new look admitting to her plastic surgery enhancements.

“I’m really happy with the results. Wouldn’t you be? So, a little word of advice,” Moyer said. “When life gives you lemons, a little plastic surgery can give you melons. So, take that, Pete! Looks like Minnie’s not so mini anymore.”

As Moyer exited, junior Cody Jackson entered with the echoing chant of his character’s name.

“My name is Barry Bee Benson and I am running for president! This world has marginalized us for too long,” Jackson said. “I represent the bees, for the bees, by the bees! Although we are little, we are mighty!”

With freedom to think outside the box, sophomore Ivan Podobed decided to create a whole new character. Podobed took on the fictional persona of Warren Hills’ new favorite lunch lady, Scadeja Fettuccine Tortellini. Scadeja is an exhausted, raspy voiced woman who faces many challenges in the kitchen, as well at home with her husband, Scadejo.

“Who am I even kidding? He’s going to leave me,” he said. “He only married me because he loves a woman who could cook frozen French fries and mystery meat.”

Taking the freedom to experiment with the performance was also what sophomore Iyan Kariuki did. Kariuki transformed the Nick Jr. star, Little Bill, into the fatherless, street rapper Lil’ Bill.

“All I wanted was your love. Why couldn’t you just father me?” Kariuki said. “I don’t want this thug life; damn you, Bill Cosby!”

Theatre Arts teacher, Clifford Platt, explained how pleased he was to have another year of accomplished drama students.

“The work is theirs. They worked very hard to get to this point,” Platt said. “They’re all different. They keep coming up with new characters every year. I don’t know how they keep doing it, but they do.”